How do I get Started Building Community?

The number one question asked on this blog and social media is, “How can I start living in community?” I thought I might take some time to answer a few of those questions.

Just like good journalism, it is important to ask yourself the “5 Ws” before to create a plan to get started.

Who, What, Where, Why, and When?

Answering these 5 questions will give you a head start on the “How?”

Start with your “Why?” What purpose do you want to achieve by living in community? Is it to reduce your expenses? It is to have companionship as you age? Is it to have assistance? There are so many reasons to consider it is important to know your motivations.

The next step is to determine the “Who?” If you have been talking about this for a while, who have you spoken to about the idea? Have you noticed any sparks of interest in those conversations? Look at your extended social networks. Who thinks outside of the box? Who might be interested in this type of living situation? Think though the tangible concepts like current life situations, time and money resources, and if you can see yourself living with them.

I encourage you to click below to see more steps to take on the path toward community living.

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Toxic Roommates: Asking Someone to Leave the Community

photo credit: eek the cat via photopin cc

It is important to understand that when you are building community there can always be unforeseen circumstances that come up regardless of the rules that you might have in place. So, when making arrangements for new housemates to enter the home it is important to know what to do if it doesn’t work out. How do you handle toxic personalities and what is the safest way to ask them to leave? Here is some practical advice for handing this kind of unpleasant situation in your shared home.

1. Understand your rights a tenant or homeowner. Much of your leverage when it comes to asking a housemate to leave is based on the original wording of their lease agreement. Laws surrounding tenant eviction vary from state to state so be sure to check with your landlord or, if you own the home, check with your local government. Since community living can be based on home ownership or a rental situation it is important to know where you stand before a situation occurs.

I encourage you to click below for two more important tips on handling negative situations.

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Women For Living in Community