I told you I was taking some time off from the computer and my office. I called it my summer sabbatical. I realized as I looked at the lovely Fall colors here in Asheville I could no longer say it is summer. I love writing this and adding pictures. Sharing a few with you.
There has been a little “work” done this summer. I did a fun “Lunch and Learn” at my local YMCA where I work out. It was great to get out there and talk to a small group of interested folks about my passion. Connection and Community as We Age. It was just an hour, with handouts, exercises and participation. Since then a few of the members who attended stopped me at the gym to say:
- “I went through your book. Very helpful!
- I met my neighbors and we are getting together
- My husband is getting interested in our next steps”

November means another turn around the sun for me. I am so grateful! A few years back I allowed myself a celebration that I am so glad I did.
When I listened to the glowing accolades about my parents at their Celebration of Life years ago I promised myself to have that kind of thing BEFORE I was dead. I must say it was a moving experience. It was produced and orchestrated by very talented friends. I highly recommend it!

There are also changes on the home front. My housemates have changed. Linda W. is back in sunny Florida, to her chosen community. I miss her, and my forever housemate, Judy is moving into the suite here at Bettyz Playz.

Some of you might know, my two elder kitties Pyewacket (named after the cat in the old movie, Bell Book and Candle) and Persie (short for Persistent) crossed the Rainbow Bridge together on April 6th, 2022.

After a period of transition, grieving for my buddies of many decades and many moves I considered fostering cats. Enter Valentine and Ann Marie, siblings that were billed as bonded cats. I renamed them Frankie and Grace (of course). Frankie turned out to be a very smart, large, curious and destructive influence at BP. He was returned to the rescue organization, went back to his original name and got adopted. PHEW.
Grace lives up to her name and is an angel who loves to catch “Da Bird” flying for entertainment.

I didn’t expect my pause would be so long. Yet a great deal has changed in the world that has affected me and of course others. What I did with my “Pandemic years” included a great deal of time in front of my computer screen. Included were classes I took and some I offered. You also might have seen my face on my Facebook Live offerings that are now on my YouTube station.
That is terrifying and fun all at the same time. I am glad it was available, yet I missed the in-person times.

So what is on the Horizon?
Women for Living in Community will continue, possibly taking new forms and relaxing other things.
I have been at this for over 16 years and I am glad to say I feel I have accomplished my quest.
And there now are many other online resources for connection and camaraderie for older women Revel, TheEthel, and many FB groups around Golden Girl living. I will keep you in the loop on the ones l like going forward.
Bettyz Playz – named after my mom, Betty, and a play on words.
Bettyz Playz is my home and location now of the Asheville Golden Girls- Judy and Marianne.
My intention is to host meetings and gatherings/ workshops, salons, book groups, and more. There will be offerings next year to presenters who would like to take advantage of this lovely piece of heaven in Asheville.
This winter I plan on being in Sarasota, FL where I have many friends and community members on the quest through the years. While I am there Judy and Grace will enjoy this haven with visits from friends and family here at Bettyz Playz.
Progress on MY Quest
Thanks to all of you who have been with me along the way or just joined me. I started out by saying I don’t want to have the later years of my life look like my parents. Well, they don’t for many reasons. And part of it was my intention. And why I have offered you a view of it along the way.
Like many good intentions, mine started out with a FEAR and a negative. I don’t want this.
So I said, “What CAN if do instead?” That was the start of Women for Living in Community many years ago. I won’t go over all the details but I am happy to say as 2022 ends I feel settled. Want to catch up with my quest over the years? From my blog post through the years. Blog of MK’s journey
In a nutshell, my intentions are:
- To live like the Golden Girls
- Take risks!
- Expand my network of friends and community
- Stay creative and offer what I have learned about the importance of connection as we age
- Eye on the prize, be tenacious
My mission :
To further the alternative housing choices for people as we age.
My future and 2023 :
Share my journey with others- talk to groups, have conversations, and inspire others to take action.
I shall be sharing more here and on Facebook.
See you soon,

Social Media to stay connected:
Links to My Facebook Personal page
Women Living in Community Network – Home | Facebook
Website link – please subscribe and share Women for Living in Community
Youtube channel Women Living in Community – YouTube