Celebrating Our Connections

Women for Living in Community is not just a website or a place to meet others interested in this lifestyle. Certainly that is a part of it but there is more we can do as advocates. Part of our mission as women paving the way toward a culture of change surrounding the way we age is redefining the entire paradigm. What does it mean to live in community and what makes it different from the experience most people are having today?

celebration banner

I suggest that one of those ways, as we forge our own families in community, is to continue celebrating. I don’t necessarily mean a birthday cake with candles and party hats but really diving in to the meaning behind celebration. I believe that women building community have a chance to share our message with the world through the value of hospitality.

There are so many ways we can celebrate our continued vibrancy as we live in community with one another. Spontaneous dinner parties, game night, open houses, and “croning” ceremonies are all excellent choices. So what are these things and how can we implement them in our shared households? Let’s look at them one by one after the jump.

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Share the Mission: 4 Ways to Advocate for Community Living

So, you want to live in community but you don’t know how to get started. I plan to provide a step by step guide to help out toward the end of this month but for now I want to share one of the most important things you can do to establish community: Advocacy. In order to attract like-minded people it is important to get the word out about what you’re doing.  Here are four ways you can advocate community living.

1. Social Media. Even if it just to look at photos from friends’ vacations or connect with your family on the other side of the country, you probably have Facebook. It is a valuable tool to use for connecting to others who have similar values. Search for groups on community living and “like” the pages. Use hashtags, or phrases that start with #, on Facebook or Twitter for your posts to be searchable by others. For instance you may say something like, “Attending a workshop on co-housing this week! #livingincommunity.”

I encourage you to click below to read more ideas on how you can advocate for living in community.

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Single Seniors: Not Interested in Being Alone

My primary focus on this site is certainly to encourage women to build their own communities as they age; but there is another topic I think is rather important that we consider. What about dating as we age?

photo credit: bravenewtraveler via photopin cc

I’m not talking about living together or getting married, but rather forging loving bonds with other seniors to provide some companionship.

If you’re single but not interested in being alone there are some things to thing about before entering the dating scene.

Singlehood can come upon us in many ways. It may be through divorce or the loss of a beloved husband or partner. Sometimes it can feel like a burden and other times it can feel like a great freedom. This article, from 4Elders.org, provides some great insight to developing relationships as we age and I would love to expand on some of them.

If you’re not interested in being single as you face your later years and move into a new phase of your life, consider these options. In truth, much of this is the same dating advice we should think about throughout our lives but sometimes we need a little reminder.

Click below to read more.

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Women For Living in Community