Earlier this month I posted about the 5 biggies in community. On that list the number one topic is discussing pets in a shared home. What if you do decide that pets are welcome? We all know pets are a big commitment but sometimes we don’t really think about how they will affect the other people in the house. Here are some things to consider before living with someone’s furry friend.
Rules and Tools: How to Establish Best Practices for Living in Community
One of the most common questions I’m asked is “how do I start a community like this?” I thought I might share just a few quick rules and tools that can help you get started on your path to building community as you age. These 10 things are just a sample of the kinds of things that you will need to establish before considering shared housing.
- Agreements. The very first step in establishing community is to determine the shared agreements for individuals living within the household. Are you expecting to live with friends or will you be sharing your house in an unknown roommate situation? Do you own the home or is there a landlord? Leases and agreements should be detailed and will be legally binding once signed by all parties.
- Exit Strategy. Each housemate should have an understanding of what would happen when they leave the household. There should be plans in place for breaking a lease early and for providing notice to the home owner. It may also be important to know what to do in the case of a toxic roommate.
- Roles. There are many ways to share a home. Each housemate may be very independent and only responsible for themselves and their space, or there may be a desire to share household roles such as cooking or cleaning. This should be established prior to someone moving in.
Click below for the rest of the rules and tools you need for creating your own community.
Privacy: How to Have Your Own Space in Community Living
Many boomer women have a strong sense of independence. We want our space, we want to do things on our own, and we don’t want to be tied down. I imagine this might be one barrier keeping more women from choosing to build or live in community. However, I don’t believe that community living and privacy or independence need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
Of course, privacy can take different forms depending on the living situation. Some homes feature in-law suites that would be perfect for shared housing where each party has their own complete “apartment.” Other situations might call for a division of space; someone can use the den and another person can use the living room. You may need to establish rules for using the kitchen or having guests visit. Here are some additional tips for privacy in your shared home.
Click below to see three tips for privacy in shared housing.