My Favorite Things: A Women for Living in Community Gift Guide

Tis the Season!

Blog after blog is releasing their gift giving guides and lists of their favorite things. I figured if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

Image by Matthew Huchinson via Flickr

Image by Matthew Huchinson via Flickr

Here is a list of my favorite things that can make great holiday gifts this year for the women, and men, in your life who embrace their age. Don’t forget to put a few of these on your own wish list.

Crone Cards. This deck of cards provides wisdom right at your fingertips from elder women who represent all walks of life.

In the Arms of Elders. This part memoir, part fiction, part parable book is a great novel that highlights the dignity and value of older people.

Golden Girls DVDs. Why not give the gift of fun and laughter? The Golden Girls are an all-time favorite and provide an excellent representation of community living.

Click below for more great gift ideas! 

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Women For Living in Community