I am Marianne Kilkenny and I have been interested in aging in community for many years. In particular, living like the Golden Girls is the best way to describe what I have in mind. A place that provided camaraderie, zest for life and laughter that was always present in their home together.
Living in community, THE solution to the challenges and isolation of aging today.
My interest is to bring Boomer women together to bond and form connections together. You might see a theme, it’s about not waiting, but to take action now. As women, we are the ones who bring others together so it’s time now to build alliances that will give us new models to thrive in as our lives move forward into our 2nd Half of life. Whether you live with other women, your family of friends, your extended family, it’s about making it happen.
Many of us have talked about getting together and buying a big house, or sharing a space, building or retrofitting a neighborhood, or doing more than just talking about getting to know our neighbors.
The time is now. Please join us. I would love to hear what you are dreaming about, doing to build this vision into reality. We can learn from each other to form a future that encourages interdependence and trust.
I would also love to hear from you with your stories or questions about living in community. You can contact me at: mk (at) mekilkenny.com or feel free to call me at 828-230-2093.
It’s a movement! Completely agree about the value of living in community. My new book is a how to called Sharing Housing, A Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates. You can find out more here: http://www.sharinghousing.com/book
I have seen your material. Very great stuff. I am sure others will enjoy as well. Looks like we are promoting some of the same ways to live. The wave of the future for many of us.
Thanks for your contributions!
I too have thought about how to create living communities for Christian women. (When I say Christian women, I do not mean only people who attend a specific church…rather women who are committed to following Him…not someone’s idea about what their church should be like) I’ve got some ideas on how to build a community that would have central areas for cooking, sitting around a huge fireplace and each woman would have their own bedroom suite (bed and sitting areas; bathroom and perhaps a small kitchenette.) Anyway, I like the idea and would like to find other who may also be interested.
Thanks for listening.
Raphaela Deming
Sounds like a great model and would be very popular Raphaela. The importance of some personal space to live in and possibly entertain is key. The space to be with others when you desire over meals is also very critical in the share living type of arrangement you describe. Do you know of others in your local geography that might be interested as well? Soon we will have ways to connect women in various geographies who are looking for others. Where do you live? We are in the process of getting a guidebook to assist those of you to take the next steps in your journey. Please feel free to call me to discuss further. You are ahead of the curve. What is your next step?
I’ve made a big jump to sell out in Virginia and move to Sarasota, Florida this year. This concept is very interesting to me. I would love to find out ways to take to the next step here In Sarasota. I’m a Christian. retired school teacher. I got involved with my church. What is my next step?? Would love to learn more.
Thanks for listening,
Sunny Ullrich
There are many interested in community in Sarasota mainly as a result of my conference in 2010 and the great work of those who picked up the ball and have been doing great work there. Contact the Living in Community Network. Go to their website or Meet Up site. I, of course also suggest buying my book on Amazon to do the work you can do on your own, or with a group, that is why I wrote it, for women like you. Best way I think to get YOU ready to live in and around others. Hope this helps.