The Women for Living in Community Gift Giving and Getting Guide


It’s that time of year again. You may be already sick of the holiday music that is at every grocery store and doctor’s office. Bundling up against the cold is already driving you indoor, and crazy. And, of course, there is that hunt for the perfect gift to give someone who already has everything.

Last year I gave some ideas for holiday gifts so I thought I would share a few more this year. Here are some ideas for gifts to give and what to ask for if someone needs to know.

crone card marianneCrone Card New 10th Anniversary Edition: Yep, I suggested this last year but it’s all new for 2014. This was their 10th anniversary edition and I’m not too shy to say one of the cards features yours truly! Click here to purchase.

Wellness Newsletter
: UC Berkeley has a great newsletter that can give you the inside scoop on all things health related. Click here to view or sign up.

Magazine Subscriptions: Speaking of magazines, other subscriptions make a good gift which can be enjoyed all year round. Every time they get it in the mail they’ll think of you. Consider Science of the Mind, More Magazine, or O (Oprah’s Magazine).

Massages: Give them a gift you can stand behind. If you’ve had a wonderful massage from a local therapist buy a gift certificate for a friend.

Bag from a Distant and Exotic Trader Joe’s: I have one from a store in California. Every time I use it, it makes me feel closer to my sister. These are great gifts for friends and family who live far away.

Experiences: I can’t stress this one enough. Who needs more stuff, especially at our age? Instead, invest in experiences that you can share with your loved ones. Theater tickets or dinner and a movie; whatever you love the most but be sure to do it together.

A Journal: Buy and personalize a journal for your friends. Add photos and sayings throughout.

Battery operated candle: I use one of these in my bathroom as a nightlight. It also reminds me to keep someone in my thoughts and prayers without the risk of burning the house down.

Foamer: A latte without the high cost of daily Starbucks.

Temperature Gage: I hate not knowing what to wear this time of year. A tiny battery operated device that gives you the indoor and outdoor temperature is a great investment.

Pottery: Buy local! Beautiful and useful items from a local artist mean something every time you or someone you love uses it.

And, don’t forget my book “Your Quest for Home: A Guidebook to Find the Ideal Community for Your Later Years.” This workbook would be a welcomed gift for those in your life looking for an alternative as they age.

Women For Living in Community