February 9th – 12th, 2014 ~ Sarasota, Florida
Over 400 conference-goers from around the world made their way to Sarasota, Florida for the Seventh Annual International Conference on Positive Aging.
“The Conference was a highly interactive gathering of professionals from established and emerging businesses, academic research, government policy makers, and social service providers who participated in two and half days of dialogue and networking with their local, national, and international peers. There were many options for participation for both professionals and local interested residents, including attendance at the keynote dinner with Ina Jaffe, National Public Radio National Correspondent covering all aspects of aging for NPR.” ~ Institute of the Ages
Marianne shared the stage with many leaders in the field at this conference. She was a co-presenter on the topic of “Communities Taking Charge: A Showcase of Two Models”.
The 2014 Conference theme, Positive Aging Transcends: The Voices of Innovation and Community, showcased the innovative efforts of entrepreneurs and business leaders, academic researchers, government policy makers and others who are engaging with communities for the social and economic benefits of Positive Aging.